Customer Testimonials

Here's what some of our satisfied clients have to say:

"You said, 'Give me 3 weeks with her.' 3 weeks have come and gone and we couldn't be more pleased...She is a much happier dog and we are overjoyed!"             -Maggie's owners

"We would recommend Kenta to anyone needing help. Kenta was great with our dogs..they behave very well now on and off leash."   -Shana and Mia's owners

"I can't think of anything I would change. Thank you so much for your caring, quiet atmosphere."   -Divot's owner (Boarding client)

Where to Find Us:

The Art of Professional Dog Training, LLC

Located in Mishawaka, Indiana, we come to you whether you live in north central Indiana or southwest lower Michigan.


For a professional consultation or to schedule other services, please contact us through this website

What's New

Extended Business Hours


To accomodate our clients' busy schedules, we have extended hours and are available. Day time evenings and weekends to serve you better, Also we do Boarding to.


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© The Art of Professional Dog Training.LLC